Creating a new task

If you are using the application in standalone mode, you can create the following types of tasks: ODS, Update, Rollback, ODFIM, ContainerScan, and InventoryScan. If the application is used in Light Agent mode to protect virtual environments, you can create the following types of tasks: ODS, ODFIM, ContainerScan, and InventoryScan.

You can create tasks with default settings or with settings specified in a configuration file.

To create a task with default settings, execute the following command:

kesl-control [-T] --create-task <task name> --type <task type>


A task of the specified type is created with default settings.

To create a task with the settings specified in the configuration file, execute the following command:

kesl-control [-T] --create-task <task name> --type <task type> --file <path to file> [--json]


A task of the specified type is created with settings specified in a configuration file.

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