Light Agent mode

The settings described in this section apply only if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is used in Light Agent mode to protect virtual environments.

Running Kaspersky Endpoint Security in Light Agent mode requires constant interaction between the Light Agent and the Protection Server installed on the SVM. If there is no connection to the Protection Server, the Light Agent cannot transfer file fragments to the Protection Server for scanning, and scanning is not performed.

To interact with the Protection Server, the Light Agent establishes and maintains a connection to the SVM on which this Protection Server is installed.

You can configure the following settings for connecting the Light Agent to the SVM:

For more information about the settings for connecting the Light Agent to the SVM, refer to the Help for Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security for Virtualization Light Agent.

In this section

SVM discovery settings

Settings for connecting to the Integration Server

SVM connection tag

SVM selection algorithm

Protecting the connection

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