Configuring event logging to the operating system log

By default, events that occur during the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security are not recorded in the operating system log. You can enable the recording of events to this log using the Web Console, Administration Console, or the command line.

In Kaspersky Security Center, you can also select events to be saved to the operating system log.

Configuring in the Web Console

In the Web Console, you can configure logging events to the operating system log in the policy properties (Application settingsGeneral settingsApplication settings).

Clicking the Configure notifications link in the Notifications section opens the Notifications window. In this window, you can use the check boxes to select the events that the application records in the operating system log.

You can select individual event types or all event types with a certain severity level.

All check boxes are cleared by default.

Configuring in the Administration Console

In the Administration Console, you can configure logging events to the operating system log in the policy properties (General settingsApplication settings).

Clicking Configure under Notifications opens the Notification settings window. In this window, you can use the check boxes to select the events that the application records in the operating system log.

You can select individual event types or all event types with a certain severity level.

All check boxes are cleared by default.

Configuring in the command line

You can enable or disable saving events to the operating system log in the command line via the UseSyslog option in the general application settings.

You can edit the option via command line switches or a configuration file that contains all general application settings.

UseSyslog accepts the following values:

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