In the Administration Console, you can configure the settings for the removable drives scan in the policy properties (Local Tasks → Removable Drives Scan).
Enable removable drives scan when connected to the device
This check box enables or disables the scan of removable drives when they are connected to the user device.
This check box is cleared by default.
Action on a removable drive connection
In the drop-down list, you can select an action to be performed by the application upon connection of removable drives to the user device:
- Do not scan removable drives when connected (default value).
- Quick scan – only scan files of certain types on removable drives (except CD/DVD drives and Blu-ray discs) and do not unpack compound objects. A quick scan is performed using the default settings for the Critical Areas Scan task.
The following file formats are scanned on removable media: com, exe, sys, prg, bin, bat, cmd, dpl, dll, scr, cpl, ocx, tsp, drv, vxd, pif, lnk, reg, ini, cia, vbs, vbe, js, jse, htm, htt, hta, asp, chm, pht, wsh, wsf, the, hip, eml, nws, msg, pig, mbx, doc*, dot*, fpm, rtf, shs, dwg, msi, otm, pdf, swf, jpeg, emf, ico, ov?, xl*, xlsb, pp*, md*, sldx, sldm, thmx.
- Detailed scan – scan all files on removable drives (except CD/DVD drives and Blu-ray discs). A detailed scan is performed using the default settings for the Malware Scan task.
Action when a CD / DVD drive connects
In the drop-down list, you can select an action to be performed by the application upon connection of CD/DVD drives and Blu-ray discs to the user device:
- Do not scan CD/DVD drives and Blu-ray discs when connected (default value).
- Quick scan: only scans files of certain types on CD/DVD drives and Blu-ray discs. A quick scan is performed using the default settings for the Critical Areas Scan task.
The following file formats are scanned on removable media: com, exe, sys, prg, bin, bat, cmd, dpl, dll, scr, cpl, ocx, tsp, drv, vxd, pif, lnk, reg, ini, cia, vbs, vbe, js, jse, htm, htt, hta, asp, chm, pht, wsh, wsf, the, hip, eml, nws, msg, pig, mbx, doc*, dot*, fpm, rtf, shs, dwg, msi, otm, pdf, swf, jpeg, emf, ico, ov?, xl*, xlsb, pp*, md*, sldx, sldm, thmx.
- Detailed scan – scan all files on CD/DVD drives and Blu-ray discs. A detailed scan is performed using the default settings for the Malware Scan task.
Block access to the removable drive while scanning
This check box enables or disables blocking of files on the connected drive during execution of the scan.
This check box is cleared by default.