Managing the application using Kaspersky Security Center

Kaspersky Security Center allows you to remotely and centrally manage the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security on client devices. You can remotely install and uninstall, start, and stop Kaspersky Endpoint Security; configure settings for the application, as well as for the individual components and tasks of the application; and start and stop tasks on the managed devices.

You can use the following Kaspersky Security Center administration consoles to manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security via Kaspersky Security Center:

The MMC plug-in and web plug-in allow you to create policies and tasks in Kaspersky Security Center for managing the operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security:

Regardless of the Kaspersky Security Center administration console that you use, you must assign the devices on which Kaspersky Endpoint Security is installed to administration groups in order to manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security on these devices using Kaspersky Security Center. You can create administration groups in Kaspersky Security Center before Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation and configure rules to automatically move the devices to administration groups. You can also manually move the devices to the administration groups after installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security (for details, refer to Kaspersky Security Center documentation).

In this section

Kaspersky Endpoint Security administration plug-ins

Kaspersky Security Center policies

Tasks for Kaspersky Endpoint Security created in Kaspersky Security Center

Logging in and out of the Web Console and Cloud Console

Managing policies in the Web Console

Managing policies in the Administration Console

Managing tasks in the Web Console

Managing tasks in the Administration Console

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