Commands for managing license keys

-L is a prefix indicating that the command belongs to the group of commands used to manage license keys.

Commands for adding and deleting license keys can be run only if the application is being used in standard mode. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is used in Light Agent mode to protect virtual environments, commands for managing license keys finish with an error. You activate the application as part of Kaspersky Security for Virtualization Light Agent, and therefore do not need to activate the application separately.

kesl-control --add-active-key

The command lets you add an active license key to the application using a key file or activation code.

You can use this command to add an active application license key as well as an active EDR Optimum license key. You do not need to specify the type of the key in the command.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-L] --add-active-key <key file path>

kesl-control [-L] --add-active-key <activation code>

Arguments and keys

<path to the key file> – path to the key file. If the key file is located in the current directory, it is sufficient to specify only the file name.

<activation code>activation code.


Add a key as an active key from the /home/test/00000001.key file:

kesl-control --add-active-key /home/test/00000001.key

kesl-control --add-reserve-key

The command lets you add a reserve license key to the application using a key file or an activation code.

You can use this command to add a reserve application license key as well as a reserve EDR Optimum license key. You do not need to specify the type of the key in the command.

If an active key has not yet been added to the application on the device, the command fails.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-L] --add-reserve-key <key file path>

kesl-control [-L] --add-reserve-key <activation code>

Arguments and keys

<path to the key file> – path to the key file. If the key file is located in the current directory, it is sufficient to specify only the file name.

<activation code>activation code.


Add a reserve key using the /home/test/00000002.key file:

kesl-control --add-reserve-key /home/test/00000002.key

kesl-control --remove-active-key

This command lets you remove an active license key.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-L] --remove-active-key [--edr-optimum]

Arguments and keys

--edr-optimum – delete the active EDR Optimum license key. If you do not specify the --edr-optimum option, the active license key for Kaspersky Endpoint Security will be removed.

kesl-control --remove-reserve-key

This command lets you remove a reserve license key.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-L] --remove-reserve-key [--edr-optimum]

Arguments and keys

--edr-optimum – delete the reserve EDR Optimum license key. If you do not specify the --edr-optimum option, a reserve license key for Kaspersky Endpoint Security will be removed.

kesl-control -L --query

The -L --query command outputs information about the license that was used for activating the application and license keys currently in use.

Command syntax

kesl-control -L --query [--json]

Arguments and keys

--json: output data in JSON format.

kesl-control --load-mdr-blob

The --load-mdr-blob command downloads the BLOB configuration file required for integration with Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-L] --load-mdr-blob <path to MDR BLOB configuration file>

kesl-control --remove-mdr-blob

The --remove-mdr-blob command removes the BLOB configuration file required for integration with Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response.

Command syntax

kesl-control [-L] --remove-mdr-blob

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