Configuring Backup settings in the Administration Console

In the Administration Console, you can configure Backup settings in the policy properties (General settingsStorage settings).

Backup settings



Inform about files in Backup

This check box enables or disables sending of notifications about the files in the Backup storage to the Administration Server.

The check box is selected by default.

Store objects no longer than (days)

This check box enables or disables the storage period limit (in days) for the objects in the Backup storage.

Available values: 0–3653.

Default value: 90. If 0 is specified, the period for storing objects in the Backup storage is unlimited.

Limit the size of Backup to (MB)

This check box enables or disables the maximum Backup storage size (in megabytes).

Available values: 0–999999. Default value: 0 (unlimited).

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