Start process

You can use the Start process task to remotely start processes and executable files on devices.

For example, you can run:

If SELinux is installed in your operating system in Enforcing mode, starting the Start process task requires additional configuration of SELinux.

You can create and run the Start process task, as well as edit its settings in the Web Console:

You cannot create, run, or configure the Start process task using the command line. You cannot view a Start process task created in the Web Console on the command line with the kesl-control --get-task-list command.

Start process task settings



Executed command

Field for entering the command to start the process.

For example, if you want to run the klnagchk tool, which checks the connection to the Administration Server, enter /<absolute path to the directory with the utility>/klnagchk and then, if necessary, fill in the other fields described in the table below.

Command line arguments (optional)

Field for entering command line arguments to pass additional input to the script, utility, or application at startup.

For example, you can enter the -logfile /tmp/klnagchk.log argument. This argument tells the tool to save the result to a file named klnagchk.log in /tmp.

If you need to pass multiple arguments, they must be separated with spaces.

For example, you can enter -logfile /tmp/klnagchk.log -savecert /home/user/certificate.cer arguments. These arguments tell the tool to save the result to a file named klnagchk.log in /tmp, and to save the certificate used to test access to the Administration Server in the certificate.cer file in /home/user.

Working directory path (optional)

Field for entering the path to the working directory in which the command from the Executable command field is executed.

For example, you can enter /tmp and run the klnagchk utility with the following arguments: -logfile klnagchk.log -savecert certificate.cer. In this case, both files are created in /tmp.

You can view the result of the task in the Assets (Devices) → Tasks → <task name> section, on the Results tab, in the Description column.

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