Viewing licensing information

To view license information:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the lower part of the main application window, click the area, which displays information about the license and the key.
    • In the lower part of the main application window, click the Support button and in the Support window that opens, open the License window using the link in the Key field.

    The License window opens.

The window displays information about the license under which the application is being used and about the license associated with the reserve key, if a reserve key has been added to the application. Click the More info link to view full information about the licenses and keys.

The Current licenses section displays information about active keys and associated licenses:

If you added an active EDR Optimum key to the application, information about this key and the license associated with it is also displayed in the Current licenses section.

The Reserve keys section displays information about reserve keys and associated licenses:

If you added a reserve EDR Optimum key to the application, information about this key and the license associated with it is also displayed in the Reserve keys section.

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