Limiting the use of resident memory by the application

You can configure a limit on the application's use of resident memory. By default, the limit is set automatically.

Setting a limit in the Web Console

In the Web Console, you can enable or disable the resident memory usage limit in the policy properties (Application settingsGeneral settingsApplication settings, Advanced application settings section).

In the Advanced application settings section, the Configure memory usage link opens a window where you can configure the resident memory usage limit (see the table below).




Resident memory usage by the application

In the drop-down list, you can select how to limit resident memory usage:

  • Unlimited. When this item is selected, resident memory usage is not limited.
  • Limited to a percentage of total. When this item is selected, the Memory usage limit (%) field becomes available, in which you can specify the necessary value as a percentage.
  • Limited to a value in MB. When this item is selected, the Memory usage limit (MB) field becomes available, in which you can specify the desired value in megabytes.
  • Limited to whichever is lowest (%, MB). When this item is selected, the Memory usage limit (%) and Memory usage limit (MB) fields become available, in which you can specify the necessary values.
  • Limited to whichever is highest (%, MB). When this item is selected, the Memory usage limit (%) and Memory usage limit (MB) fields become available, in which you can specify the necessary values.
  • Limit automatically (recommended). When this item is selected, resident memory usage is limited automatically (default value).

Memory usage limit (%)

Input field for the memory usage limit (as a percentage).

Default value: 50.

Memory usage limit (MB)

Input field for the memory usage limit (in megabytes).

Default value: 2000.

Setting a limit in the Administration Console

In the Administration Console, you can configure the resident memory usage limit in the policy properties (General settings Application settings).

In the Advanced application settings section, clicking the Configure button opens the Additional settings window, in which you can configure the resident memory usage limit (see the table below).




Application memory usage

In the drop-down list, you can select how to limit resident memory usage:

  • Unlimited. When this item is selected, resident memory usage is not limited.
  • Limit automatically (recommended). When this item is selected, resident memory usage is limited automatically (default value).
  • Limited to a percentage of total. When this item is selected, the Memory usage limit (%) field becomes available, in which you can specify the necessary value as a percentage.
  • Limited to a value in MB. When this item is selected, the Memory usage limit (MB) field becomes available, in which you can specify the desired value in megabytes.
  • Limited to whichever is lowest (%, MB). When this item is selected, the Memory usage limit (%) and Memory usage limit (MB) fields become available, in which you can specify the necessary values.
  • Limited to whichever is highest (%, MB). When this item is selected, the Memory usage limit (%) and Memory usage limit (MB) fields become available, in which you can specify the necessary values.

Memory usage limit (%)

Input field for the memory usage limit (as a percentage).

Default value: 50.

Memory usage limit (MB)

Input field for the memory usage limit (in megabytes).

Default value: 2000.

Setting a limit on the command line

In the command line, you can configure the resident memory usage limit using the MaxMemory setting in the kesl.ini configuration file.

The MaxMemory setting can take the following values:

Default value: auto.

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