Configuring Web Control in the Web Console

In the Web Console, you can configure Web Control settings in the policy properties (Application settings Security ControlsWeb Control)

Web Control component settings



Web Control is enabled / disabled

This toggle switch enables or disables Web Control.

The toggle button is switched off by default.

List of rules

The table contains a list of web resource access rules. Web Control applies rules in the order in which they are listed in the table.

The table contains the following columns:

  • Rule name. Web resource access rule name.
  • Status. Status of the web resource access rule:
    • Enabled – the rule is enabled, Web Control applies this rule during operation.
    • Disabled – the rule is disabled and is not used when Web Control is running.

    You can enable or disable the toggle switch in the table, or select or clear the Use this rule check box in the Web Control rule window.

  • Action. The action to be taken by the application when it detects an attempt to access web resources that match the rule.

You can add, edit, delete, move up, and move down items in the table.

You can also import the list of rules from a file by clicking Import and export the list of added rules to a file by clicking Export. When importing, you will be prompted to replace the list of rules or add the rules to the existing list.

Default rule

You can select the default rule that governs how the application regulates access to web resources that are not covered by other rules:

  • Allow everything not specified in the list of rules (default) to allow access to web resources.
  • Block everything not specified in the list of rules to block access to web resources.


Warning. The input field contains the template for the message that appears when a rule is triggered that warns about an attempt to access an undesirable web resource.

Block message. The input field contains the template for the message that appears when a rule is triggered that blocks access to a web resource.

Message to administrator. The input field contains the template for a complaint to be sent to the administrator of the corporate LAN when the user believes that a blocked web resource should not be blocked. After a user requests access, Kaspersky Endpoint Security sends a Message to the administrator about denied access to a web page event to Kaspersky Security Center. The event description contains the message to the administrator with the variables replaced by their values. If no Kaspersky Security Center solution is deployed in your organization or there is no connection with the Administration Server, the application will send a message to the administrator's specified email address.

In this section

Web Control rule window

Address groups window

Group window

Select user or group window

Schedules window

Access schedule window

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