集成 Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response

Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response 服务会持续搜索、检测和消除针对贵组织的威胁。与 Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response 解决方案的集成由 Kaspersky Endpoint Security 组件 Managed Detection and Response (MDR) 得到促进。

与 Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response 交互时,Kaspersky Endpoint Security 可以执行以下功能:

要配置 Kaspersky Endpoint Security 与 Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response 之间的集成,请执行以下操作:


配置 KPSN 以启用 Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response 集成

在 Web Console 中配置 Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response 集成

在管理控制台中配置 Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response 集成

在命令行上配置 Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response 集成
