Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux

General application settings

General application settings define the operation of the application as a whole and the operation of individual functions.

General application settings





Directory that stores the Samba configuration file. The Samba configuration file is required to ensure that the AllShared or Shared:SMB values can be used for the Path setting.

The standard directory of the SAMBA configuration file on the computer is specified by default.

Default value: /etc/samba/smb.conf.

The application must be restarted after this setting is changed.


The directory where the NFS configuration file is stored. The NFS configuration file is required to ensure that the AllShared or Shared:NFS values can be used for the Path setting.

The standard directory of the NFS configuration file on the computer is specified by default.

Default value: /etc/exports.

The application must be restarted after this setting is changed.


Enable application tracing and the level of detail in the trace files.

Detailed – Generate a detailed trace file.

MediumDetailed – Generate a trace file that contains informational messages and error messages.

NotDetailed – Generate a trace file that contains error messages.

None (default value) — Do not generate a trace file.


The directory that stores the application trace files.

Default value: /var/log/kaspersky/kesl.

If you specify a different directory, make sure that the account under which Kaspersky Endpoint Security is running has read/write permissions for this directory. Root privileges are required to access the default trace files directory.

The application must be restarted after this setting is changed.


Maximum number of application trace files.


Default value: 10.

The application must be restarted after this setting is changed.


Specifies the maximum size of an application trace file (in megabytes).


Default value: 500.

The application must be restarted after this setting is changed.


Blocks access to files for which the full path length exceeds the defined settings value specified in bytes. If the length of the full path to the scanned file exceeds the value of this setting, scan tasks skip this file during scanning.

This setting is not available for operating systems that use the fanotify technology.


Default value: 16384.

After changing the value of this setting, the File Threat Protection task needs to be restarted.


Enable detection of legitimate applications that intruders can use to compromise devices or data.

Yes: enable detection of legitimate applications that intruders can use to compromise devices or data.

No (default): disable detection of legitimate applications that intruders can use to compromise devices or data.


Enable scanning of namespaces and containers.

The application does not scan namespaces and containers unless components for working with containers and namespaces are installed in the operating system.

Yes (default value) — Enable scanning of namespaces and containers.

No — Disable scanning of namespaces and containers.


Enabling the file operation intercept mode with blocking access to files for the duration of the scan. The file operation interception mode affects the File Threat Protection and Device Control components.

Yes (default value) to block access to files for the duration of the scan.

No to allow access to files during the scan. Requests to any file is allowed, scanning is done asynchronously. This file operation interception mode has less impact on the system performance, but there is a risk that a threat in a file will not be disinfected or deleted if the file can, for example, change its name during a scan before the application makes a decision on the status of the file.


Enabling Kaspersky Security Network usage:

Basic - enable use of Kaspersky Security Network in standard mode.

Extended - enable use of Kaspersky Security Network in extended mode.

No (default value) — disable use of Kaspersky Security Network.


Enable cloud mode. Cloud mode is available if use of KSN is enabled.

If you plan to use cloud mode, make sure KSN is available on your device.

This setting applies only if the application is used in Standard mode.

Yes — enable the operating mode in which Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses a lightweight version of the malware databases.

No (default value) – use the full version of the malware databases.

Cloud mode is disabled automatically if use of KSN is disabled.


Enabling the Managed Detection and Response component for integration with Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response.

Yes to enable the Managed Detection and Response component.

No (default value) – disable the Managed Detection and Response component.


Enabling the EDR Optimum component for integration with Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum.

Yes – Enable the EDR Optimum component.

No (default) – Disable the EDR Optimum component.


Enables use of a proxy server by Kaspersky Endpoint Security components. A proxy server can be used to integrate with components of the Kaspersky Anti Target Attack Platform solution, and activate the application, when updating application databases and modules, when checking website certificates using the Web Threat Protection component, and when using Kaspersky Security Network.

If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is used in Light Agent mode to protect virtual environments, the use of a proxy server for connecting to Kaspersky Security Network, the SVM, and the Integration Server is not supported.

Yes - enable the use of a proxy server.

No (default) - Disable the use of a proxy server.

If Yes is selected, integration with the components of Kaspersky Anti Target Attack Platform is performed through a proxy server.


Proxy server settings in the format [<user>[:<password>]@]<proxy server address>[:<port>].

When connecting via an HTTP proxy, we recommend to use a separate account that is not used to sign in to other systems. An HTTP proxy uses an insecure connection, and the account may be compromised.



List of addresses in the [<address>[:<port>] format for which the proxy server is to be bypassed. To specify addresses, you can use masks (* symbols) and comments (after a \ symbol).



Bypass the proxy server when connecting to KATA servers.

Yes to bypass the proxy server when connecting to KATA servers.

No (default value) to use the proxy server when connecting to KATA servers.


Bypass the proxy server when connecting to NDR servers.

Yes to bypass the proxy server when connecting to NDR servers.

No (default value) to use the proxy server when connecting to NDR servers.


Bypass the proxy server when connecting to Sandbox servers.

Yes to bypass the proxy server when connecting to Sandbox servers.

No (default value) to use the proxy server when connecting to Sandbox servers.


The maximum number of events stored by the application. When the specified number of events is exceeded, the application deletes the oldest events.

Default value: 500000.

If 0 is specified, events are not saved.


The maximum number of custom scan tasks that a non-privileged user can simultaneously start on the device. This setting does not limit the number of tasks that a user with root privileges can start.


0 means a non-privileged user cannot start custom scan tasks.

Default value: 5.


Enable logging of information about events to syslog

Root privileges are required to access syslog.

Yes — Enable logging of information about events to syslog.

No (default value) — Disable logging of information about events to syslog.


The database directory where the application saves information about events.

Root privileges are required to access the default event database.

Default value: /var/opt/kaspersky/kesl/private/storage/events.db.


The mount point to exclude from the scan scope. The exclusion applies to the operation of the File Threat Protection, Anti-Cryptor, and Container Monitoring components and the Removable Drives Scan task, and is also configured in the operation of ODS and ContainerScan scan tasks.

You can specify several mount points to be excluded from scans.

Mount points must be specified in the same way as they are displayed in the mount command output.

The ExcludedMountPoint.item_# setting is left unspecified by default.

AllRemoteMounted — Exclude all remote directories mounted on the device using SMB and NFS protocols from file operation interception.

Mounted:NFS — Exclude all remote directories mounted on the device using the NFS protocol from file operation interception.

Mounted:SMB — Exclude all remote directories mounted on the device using the SMB protocol from file operation interception.

Mounted:<file system type> — Exclude all mounted directories with the specified file system type from file operation interception.

/mnt — Exclude objects in the /mnt mount point (including subdirectories) from file operation interception. This directory is used as the temporary mount point for removable drives.

<path that contains the /mnt/user* or /mnt/**/user_share> — Exclude objects in mount points whose names contain the specified mask from file operation interception.

You can use the * (asterisk) character to create a file or directory name mask.

You can indicate a single * character to represent any set of characters (including an empty set) preceding the / character in the file or directory name. For example, /dir/*/file or /dir/*/*/file.

You can indicate two consecutive * characters to represent any set of characters (including an empty set and the / character) in the file or directory name. For example, /dir/**/file*/ or /dir/file**/.

The ** mask can be used only once in a directory name. For example, /dir/**/**/file is an incorrect mask.

To exclude the mount point /dir, you need to specifically indicate /dir (no asterisk).

The mask /dir/* excludes all mount points at the level below /dir but not /dir itself. The /dir/** mask excludes all mount points below the level of /dir but not /dir itself.

You can use a single ? character to represent any one character in the file or directory name.


Exclude process memory from scans.

The application does not scan the memory of the indicated process.

<full path to process> – Do not scan the process in the indicated local directory. You can use masks to specify the path.

You can use the * (asterisk) character to create a file or directory name mask.

You can indicate a single * character to represent any set of characters (including an empty set) preceding the / character in the file or directory name. For example, /dir/*/file or /dir/*/*/file.

You can indicate two consecutive * characters to represent any set of characters (including an empty set and the / character) in the file or directory name. For example, /dir/**/file*/ or /dir/file**/.

The ** mask can be used only once in a directory name. For example, /dir/**/**/file is an incorrect mask.

You can use a single ? character to represent any one character in the file or directory name.


Enables CPU usage limits for the ODS, ContainerScan, and InventoryScan-type tasks.

Yes: enable the CPU usage limit for ODS, ContainerScan, and InventoryScan tasks.

No (default): disable CPU usage limits for tasks.


The maximum utilization of all processor cores (as a percentage) when running ODS, ContainerScan, and InventoryScan-type tasks.


Default value: 100.


Time period for storing objects in the Backup storage (in days). After the specified time has elapsed, the application deletes the oldest backup copies of files.

To remove the object retention limit, set 0.


0–unlimited retention.

Default value: 30.


Maximum Backup size in MB. When the maximum Backup storage size is reached, the application deletes the oldest backup copies of files.

To remove the Backup size limit, set 0.


0–unlimited size.

Default value: 0.


Path to the Backup directory. You can specify a custom Backup storage directory that is different from the default directory. You can use directories on any device as the Backup storage. It is not recommended to assign directories that are located on remote devices, such as those mounted via the Samba and NFS protocols.

If the specified directory does not exist or is unavailable, the application uses the default directory.

Default value: /var/opt/kaspersky/kesl/common/objects-backup/

Root privileges are required to access the default Backup storage directory.


The percentage of Quarantine that must be full to generate an event about Quarantine being full.

To disable generating events about Quarantine being full, enter 0.


0 – generating events about Quarantine being full is disabled.

Default value: 90.


Maximum size of the Quarantine (in megabytes). When the maximum Quarantine size is reached, the application deletes the oldest files.

To make the size of Quarantine unlimited, enter 0.


0 means the Quarantine size is not limited.

The default value is 200 if the application is being used in Standard mode, and 100 if the application is being used in Light Agent mode.


Enables displaying pop-up notifications in the graphical user interface.

Yes (default value) – show pop-up notifications in the graphical user interface.

No – do not show pop-up notifications in the graphical user interface.

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[Topic 264014]