You can make changes to the policy that you created in Kaspersky Security Center and block any changes to its settings in the policies of subgroups and in task settings.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy settings include application settings and task settings.
Configure policy settings
Start Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
Expand the Administration Server <Server name> node.
In the console tree, click Managed devices.
In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
Right-click the policy you want to configure and choose Properties.
In the Properties: <Policy name> window, configure the policy settings:
Read the full text of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement by clicking KSN Statement.
Enable or disable the use of Kaspersky Security Network.
Enable or disable extended KSN mode.
Enable or disable the use of a KSN proxy.
Enable or disable the use of Kaspersky servers when the KSN proxy is unavailable.
Note: Use of Kaspersky Security Network and a KSN proxy on remote computers is available only if Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server is used as the proxy server. For detailed information about Administration Server properties, see the Kaspersky Security Center help.
Enable or disable FileVault disk encryption management for client computers.
Encrypt or decrypt the startup disk on client computers.
If the Enable FileVault disk encryption management checkbox is unselected, users with administrator rights can encrypt and decrypt their Mac startup disks from System Preferences.
If the Enable FileVault disk encryption management checkbox and the Encrypt disk option are selected, users with administrator rights can't decrypt the startup disk of their Mac from System Preferences.
If the Enable FileVault disk encryption management checkbox and the Decrypt disk option are selected, users with administrator rights can't encrypt the startup disk of their Mac from System Preferences.