When you participate in Kaspersky Security Network, Kaspersky Endpoint Security statistics are automatically sent to Kaspersky to enhance protection of your Mac.
Note: Kaspersky doesn't receive, process, or store any personal data without your explicit consent.
Participation in Kaspersky Security Network is voluntary. The decision to participate is made when you install Kaspersky Endpoint Security. However, you can change your decision later at any time.
Enable Kaspersky Security Network
Note: Depending on Kaspersky Security Center settings, you can participate in Kaspersky Private Security Network instead of Kaspersky Security Network. Kaspersky Endpoint Security notifies you when it switches from Kaspersky Private Security Network to Kaspersky Security Network and prompts you to accept the terms of the Kaspersky Security Network Statement. For detailed information about participating in Kaspersky Private Security Network, see the Kaspersky Security Center help.
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