When you create the Install application remotely task, you can either use an existing installation package or create a new one. To view the list of the created Installation packages, click Advanced > Remote installation > Installation packages.
Start Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
Maximize the Administration Server<Server name> node.
In the console tree, select the Advanced folder, then Remote installation subfolder, and then the Installation packages subfolder.
In the workspace, click Create installation package.
In the Select installation package type window, click Create an installation package for a Kaspersky application.
In the Defining the installation package name window, type the name of the new installation package in the Name field and click Next.
In the Selecting the distribution package for installation window, click Browse.
The window for selecting a file for creating the installation package opens.
Open the folder with the contents of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation package and select the kesmac.kud file.
The Selecting the distribution package for installation window shows the name and version of the application to be installed remotely using the file that has been added.
Select the Copy updates from repository to installation package checkbox to copy application updates from the Kaspersky Security Center storage to the installation package, if necessary, and click Next.
The installation package starts uploading to Administration Server. When the upload is finished, the Installation Type window opens.
In the Installation Type window, in the Packages to install section, deselect the checkboxes next to the names of the components that you want to skip during installation on the client computer, and click Next.
The Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation package is created with the specified settings.
In the last window of the wizard, click Finish to complete the New package wizard.