Update Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.1 or later to version 12.1
Note: To manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Mac 12.1 via Kaspersky Security Center, you must install Network Agent version 15 on remote computers.
You can update Kaspersky Endpoint Security managed via Kaspersky Security Center from version 11.1 or later to version 12.1 in one of the following ways:
Simultaneously update Kaspersky Endpoint Security to version 12.1 and Network Agent to version 15 on remote computers.
First update Network Agent to version 15 and then update Kaspersky Endpoint Security to version 12.1.
When you update the application to a newer version, consider the following:
To update Kaspersky Endpoint Security to version 12.1, macOS 12 or later is required.
You need to download the KES_for_macOS11_and_later.zip archive from the Technical Support website to apply the new configuration profile.
After updating Kaspersky Endpoint Security to version 12.1, two Kaspersky Filter and two Kaspersky Monitor items may appear in the Network settings.
If you have Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.0.1 or earlier, to update application to version 12.1, you need to uninstall the application and update macOS to version 12 or later. Then you can install Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 12.1.
Note: Updates functionality (including providing anti-malware signature updates and codebase updates), as well as KSN functionality may not be available in the software in the U.S.