Update tasks

Timely updates of application databases ensure that your computer is always protected. File Threat Protection, Web Threat Protection, and scan tasks use application databases to detect and neutralize malware on your computer. Application databases are updated regularly with different kinds of threats and ways to neutralize them, so it is important that you update the databases regularly.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security downloads application databases and new application modules from Kaspersky update servers and installs them on your computer. Kaspersky Endpoint Security can also use distribution points, local folders, or other web servers.

Note: Internet access is required for connecting to the update servers and downloading updates. If you connect to the internet via a proxy server, you may need to configure the network settings.

Application database updates can be downloaded in one of the following ways:

Enable/disable automatic downloads of Kaspersky Endpoint Security database updates

Check for Kaspersky Endpoint Security database updates

During an update, the application databases and modules are compared with the ones currently available on the update servers. If the latest version of the databases is installed on your computer, the Update window displays a message saying that the application databases are up to date. If the application version and application databases differ from those currently available on the update servers, only the missing components of the update are downloaded and installed on your computer. Incremental updates of application databases take less time and require less web traffic.

If you connect to the internet via a proxy server, you can configure the proxy server connection settings. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses these settings to update application databases and download application module updates.

Configure a connection to a proxy server

Before updating the application databases Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates backup copies of them, so a rollback can be performed, if necessary. The rollback feature is useful if a new version of the application databases contains an incorrect signature that makes Kaspersky Endpoint Security block a safe application.

Note: If Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases become corrupted, we recommend that you start an update to download and install the latest version of application databases.

Roll back the last update

Kaspersky Endpoint Security provides a detailed report on the results of update tasks in the Reports window.

View an update task report

Note: Updates functionality (including providing anti-malware signature updates and codebase updates), as well as KSN functionality will not be available in the software in the U.S. territory from 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on September 10, 2024 in accordance with the restrictive measures.

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