Key use cases

Communication INSTALLATION

How do I remotely install Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android?

How can I block a user from removing Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android?

How do I activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android?

Security_for_Mobile PROTECTION

How do I lock a device that has been lost or stolen?

How do I protect myself against internet threats?

How do I prohibit the use of an empty password?

third-party solutions USING THIRD-PARTY SOLUTIONS

Android Enterprise (Applications with a briefcase icon, Configuring the Android work profile)

VMware AirWatch, MobileIron, IBM Maas360, SOTI MobiControl

Smartphone CONTROL

How do I block a user from playing games on a device?

How do I configure access to websites on a device?

How can I detect root?

Mobile_Device_Management MANAGEMENT

How do I configure a mailbox on a device?

How do I connect a mobile device to Wi-Fi?

How do I install a corporate app?

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