App control on Android devices

The App Control component allows you to manage apps on Android devices to keep these devices secure.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android must be set as an Accessibility feature to ensure proper functioning of App Control. Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android prompts the user to set the app as an Accessibility feature through the Initial Configuration Wizard. The user can skip this step or disable this service in the device settings at a later time. If this is the case, App Control does not run.

In device owner mode, you have extended control over the device. App Control operates without notifying the device user:

To configure the settings of app startup on the mobile device:

  1. In the console tree, in the Managed devices folder, select the administration group to which the Android devices belong.
  2. In the workspace of the group, select the Policies tab.
  3. Open the policy properties window by double-clicking any column.
  4. In the policy Properties window, select the App Control section.
  5. In the Operation mode section, select the mode of app startup on the user's mobile device:
    • To allow the user to start all apps except those specified in the list of categories and apps as blocked apps, select the Blocked apps mode. The app will hide blocked app icons.
    • To allow the user to start only apps specified in the list of categories and apps as allowed, recommended, or required apps, select the Allowed apps mode. The app will hide all app icons except those specified in the list of allowed, recommended, or required apps and system apps.
  6. If you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android to send data on forbidden apps to the event log without blocking them, select the Do not block forbidden apps, write to event log only check box.

    During the next synchronization of the user's mobile device with the Administration Server, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android writes an entry for A forbidden app has been installed in the event log. You can view the Event log on the Events tab in the Administration Server properties or in the local properties of the application.

  7. If the device is in device owner mode, select the Delete blocked apps automatically (in device owner mode only) check box to remove forbidden apps from the device in the background without notifying the user.
  8. If you want Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android to block the startup of system apps on the user's mobile device (such as Calendar, Camera, and Settings) in Allowed apps mode, select the Block system apps check box.

    Kaspersky experts recommend against blocking system apps because this could lead to failures in device operation.

  9. Create a list of categories and apps to configure startup of apps.

    For details on app categories, please refer to the Appendices.

    For a list of the apps that belong to each category, please visit the Kaspersky website.

  10. Click the Apply button to save the changes you have made.

Mobile device settings are configured after the next device synchronization with the Kaspersky Security Center.

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