The user is personally responsible for ensuring the safety of data collected, particularly for monitoring and restricting access to collected data stored on the computer until it is submitted to Kaspersky.
Trace files are stored on your computer in modified form that cannot be read as long as the application is in use, and are permanently deleted when the application is removed.
Trace files are stored in the ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab folder.
The trace file has the following name format: KES<version number_dateXX.XX_timeXX.XX_pidXXX.><trace file type>.log.enc1
The Authentication Agent trace file is stored in the System Volume Information folder and has the following name: KLFDE.{EB2A5993-DFC8-41a1-B050-F0824113A33A}.PBELOG.bin
You can view data saved in trace files. Please contact Kaspersky Technical Support for advice on how to view data.
All trace files contain the following common data:
The Authentication Agent trace file does not contain this information.
Contents of SRV.log, GUI.log, and ALL.log trace files
SRV.log, GUI.log, and ALL.log trace files may store the following information in addition to general data:
Contents of HST.log, BL.log, Dumpwriter.log, WD.log, AVPCon.dll.log trace files
In addition to general data, the HST.log trace file contains information about the execution of a database and application module update task.
In addition to general data, the BL.log trace file contains information about events occurring during operation of the application, as well as data required to troubleshoot application errors. This file is created if the application is started with the avp.exe –bl parameter.
In addition to general data, the Dumpwriter.log trace file contains service information required for troubleshooting errors that occur when the application dump file is written.
In addition to general data, the WD.log trace file contains information about events occurring during operation of the avpsus service, including application module update events.
In addition to general data, the AVPCon.dll.log trace file contains information about events occurring during the operation of the Kaspersky Security Center connectivity module.
Contents of trace files of application plug-ins
Trace files of application plug-ins contain the following information in addition to general data:
Contents of the Authentication Agent trace file
In addition to general data, the Authentication Agent trace file contains information about the operation of Authentication Agent and the actions performed by the user with Authentication Agent.
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