In the upper part of the window, click the Kaspersky Security Network button.
The Kaspersky Security Network window opens.
The left part of the Kaspersky Security Network window shows the mode of connection to Kaspersky Security Network in the form of a round KSN button:
If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is not connected to Kaspersky Security Network, the KSN button is gray. The status that is shown under the KSN button reads Disabled.
If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is connected to Kaspersky Security Network and KSN servers are available, the KSN button is green. The following information appears under the KSN button: Enabled status, type of KSN in use – Private KSN or Global KSN, and the date and time of the last synchronization with KSN servers. The right part of the window displays statistics on the reputation of files, web resources, and software.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security gathers statistical data on the use of KSN when you open the Kaspersky Security Network window. The statistics are not updated in real time.
If Kaspersky Endpoint Security is connected to Kaspersky Security Network but the KSN servers are unavailable, the KSN button is red. The status that is shown under the KSN button reads Enabled.
If the time of the last synchronization with KSN servers exceeds 15 minutes or has an Unknown status, this means that the KSN servers are unavailable. In such a situation, you are recommended to contact Technical Support or your service provider.
A connection to Kaspersky Security Network servers may be absent due to the following reasons:
The computer is not connected to the Internet.
The application has not been activated or the license has expired.
Key-related problems have been detected (for example, the key has been blacklisted).