Creating a key for accessing a blocked device using Kaspersky Security Center
To grant a user temporary access to a blocked device, an access key to the device is required. You can create an access key using Kaspersky Security Center.
To create an access key for a blocked device:
Open the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
In the Managed devices folder of the Administration Console tree, open the folder with the name of the administration group to which the relevant client computer belongs.
In the workspace, select the Devices tab.
In the list of client computers, select the computer whose user needs to be granted temporary access to a locked device.
In the context menu of the computer, select Grant access in offline mode.
The Grant access in offline mode window opens.
Select the Device Control tab.
On the Device Control tab, click the Browse button.
The standard Select request access file window of Microsoft Windows opens.
In the Select request access file window, select the request access file that you have received from the user and click the Open button.
The Device Control shows the details of the locked device to which the user has requested access.
Specify the value of the Access duration setting.
This setting defines the length of time for which you grant the user access to the locked device. The default value is the value that was specified by the user when creating the request access file.
Specify the value of the Activation period setting.
This setting defines the time period during which the user can activate access to the blocked device by using the provided access key.
Click the Save button.
This opens the standard Save access key window of Microsoft Windows.
Select the destination folder in which you want to save the file containing the access key for the blocked device.