About data encryption

Kaspersky Endpoint Security lets you encrypt files and folders that are stored on local and removable drives, or entire removable drives and hard drives. Data encryption minimizes the risk of information leaks that may occur when a portable computer, removable drive or hard drive is lost or stolen, or when data is accessed by unauthorized users or applications.

If the license has expired, the application does not encrypt new data, and old encrypted data remains encrypted and available for use. In this event, encrypting new data requires the program be activated with a new license that permits the use of encryption.

If your license has expired, or the End User License Agreement has been violated, the key, Kaspersky Endpoint Security, or encryption components has been removed, the encrypted status of previously encrypted files is not guaranteed. This is because some applications, such as Microsoft Office Word, create a temporary copy of files during editing. When the original file is saved, the temporary copy replaces the original file. As a result, on a computer that has no or inaccessible encryption functionality, the file remains unencrypted.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security offers the following aspects of data protection:

To encrypt hard drives and removable drives, you can use the Encrypt used disk space only function. It is recommended you only use this function for new devices that have not been previously used. If you are applying encryption to a device that is already in use, it is recommended you encrypt the entire device. This ensures that all data is protected - even deleted data that might still contain retrievable information.

Before beginning encryption, Kaspersky Endpoint Security obtains the map of file system sectors. The first wave of encryption includes sectors that are occupied by files at the moment when encryption is started. The second wave of encryption includes sectors that were written to after encryption began. After encryption is complete, all sectors containing data are encrypted.

After encryption is complete and a user deletes a file, the sectors that stored the deleted file become available for storing new information at the file system level but remain encrypted. Thus, as files are written to a new device and the device is regularly encrypted with the Encrypt used disk space only function enabled, all sectors will be encrypted after some time.

The data needed to decrypt files is provided by the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server that controlled the computer at the time of encryption. If the computer with encrypted files has found itself under the control of another Administration Server for any reason and the encrypted files had not been accessed a single time, access can be obtained in one of the following ways:

The application creates service files during encryption. Around 0.5% of non-fragmented free space on the hard drive is required to store them. If there is not enough non-fragmented free space on the hard drive, encryption will not start until enough space is freed up.

Compatibility between the full disk encryption functionality of Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Kaspersky Anti-Virus for UEFI is not supported. Kaspersky Anti-Virus for UEFI starts before the operating system loads. When using full disk encryption, the application will detect the absence of an installed operating system on the computer. As a result, the operation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for UEFI will end with an error.

The encryption of individual files and folders does not impact the operation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for UEFI.

See also:

Accessing encrypted files without a connection to Kaspersky Security Center

Obtaining access to encrypted devices through the application interface

Restoring data on encrypted devices using the Restore Utility

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