Limited support for characters in Authentication Agent help messages
In a preboot environment, the following Unicode characters are supported:
Basic Latin alphabet (0000 - 007F)
Additional Latin-1 characters (0080 - 00FF)
Extended Latin-A (0100 - 017F)
Extended Latin-B (0180 - 024F)
Uncombined extended ID characters (02B0 - 02FF)
Combined diacritical marks (0300 - 036F)
Greek and Coptic alphabets (0370 - 03FF)
Cyrillic (0400 - 04FF)
Hebrew (0590 - 05FF)
Arabic script (0600 - 06FF)
Additional extended Latin (1E00 - 1EFF)
Punctuation marks (2000 - 206F)
Currency symbols (20A0 - 20CF)
Letter-like symbols (2100 - 214F)
Geometric figures (25A0 - 25FF)
Presentation forms of Arabic script-B (FE70 - FEFF)
Characters that are not specified in this list are not supported in a preboot environment. It is not recommended to use such characters in Authentication Agent help messages.