Task management

You can create the following types of tasks to administer Kaspersky Endpoint Security through Kaspersky Security Center 11 Web Console:

You can create any number of group tasks, tasks for a selection of computers, or local tasks. For more details about working with administration groups, selections of computers and ranges of computers, refer to Kaspersky Security Center Help.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following tasks:

Tasks are run on a computer only if Kaspersky Endpoint Security is running.

To create a task:

  1. In the main window of Web Console, select DevicesTasks.

    The table with tasks opens.

  2. Click the Add button.

    The Task Wizard starts.

  3. Configure the task settings:
    1. In the Application drop-down list, select Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows.
    2. In the Task type drop-down list, select the task that you want to run on user computers.
    3. In the Task name field, enter a brief description, for example, Update the application for accounting.
    4. In the Select devices to which the task will be assigned section, select the task scope.
  4. Select devices according to the selected task scope option.
  5. Click the Next button.
  6. Finish the wizard by clicking the Create button.

    A new task will be displayed in the table of tasks.

To run a task, select the check box opposite the task and click the Start button. This will create and run the task for Kaspersky Endpoint Security with the default settings. You can modify task settings in the task properties.

In the list of tasks, you can monitor the task completion result (columns named Status, Running, Completed, Completed with errors, Completed. Restart required). You can also create a selection of events to monitor the completion of tasks (Monitoring and reportsEvent selections). For more details on event selection, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Help Guide. Task execution results are also saved locally in Windows event log and in Kaspersky Endpoint Security reports.

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