Upgrading from a previous version of the application

When you update a previous version of the application to a newer version, consider the following:

Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports updates for the following versions of the application:

Application upgrade methods

Kaspersky Endpoint Security can be updated on the computer in the following ways:

If the application that is deployed in the corporate network features a set of components other than the default set, updating the application through the Administration Console (MMC) is different from updating the application through the Web Console and Cloud Console. When you update Kaspersky Endpoint Security, consider the following:

Upgrading the application without a restart

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.10.0 introduces the option to upgrade the application without restarting the computer. This lets you ensure uninterrupted operation of servers when upgrading the application.

Upgrading the application without a restart has the following limitations:

How to select the application upgrade mode in Administration Console (MMC)

How to select the application upgrade mode in the Web Console

You can also select the application upgrade mode when installing the application on the command line (the UPGRADEMODE setting).

As a result, after upgrading the application without a restart, two versions of the application will be installed on the computer. The installer installs the new version of the application to separate subfolders in the Program Files and Program Data folders. The installer also creates a separate registry key for the new version of the application. You do not have to manually remove the previous version of the application. The previous version will be removed automatically when the computer is restarted.

You can check the Kaspersky Endpoint Security upgrade using the Kaspersky application version report in the Kaspersky Security Center console.

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