Saving a report to file

The user is personally responsible for ensuring the security of information from a report saved to file, and particularly for controlling and restricting access to this information.

You can save the report that you generate to a file in text format (TXT) or a CSV file.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security logs events in the report in the same way as they are displayed on the screen: in other words, with the same set and sequence of event attributes.

To save a report to file:

  1. In the main application window, in the Monitoring section, click the Reports tile.


  2. This opens a window; in this window, select the component or task.

    A report is displayed in the right part of the window, which contains a list of events in the operation of the selected Kaspersky Endpoint Security component or task.

  3. If necessary, you can modify data presentation in the report by:
    • Filtering events
    • Running an event search
    • Rearranging columns
    • Sorting events
  4. Click the Save report button in the upper right part of the window.
  5. In the window that opens, specify the destination folder for the report file.
  6. Enter the name of the report file.
  7. Select the necessary report file format: TXT or CSV.
  8. Save your changes.
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