To configure the encrypted connections scan settings:
The Advanced settings window opens.
When opening a domain with an untrusted certificate in a browser, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays an HTML page showing a warning and the reason why visiting that domain is not recommended. A user can click the link from the HTML warning page to obtain access to the requested web resource. After following this link, during the next hour Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not display warnings about an untrusted certificate when visiting other resources on this same domain.
When opening a domain with an untrusted certificate in a browser, Kaspersky Endpoint Security displays an HTML page showing the reason why that domain is blocked.
Click the Domains with scan errors link to open the Domains with scan errors window that lists the domains added to exclusions when an encrypted connection scan error occurred.
The Domains with scan errors link is available if the Add domain to exclusions item is selected.
When you select the Block connection item in the When encrypted connection scan errors occur drop-down list, Kaspersky Endpoint Security deletes all exclusions listed in the Domains with scan errors window.
Clear the Block SSL 2.0 connections check box if you do not want Kaspersky Endpoint Security to block network connections that are established over the SSL 2.0 protocol, and do not want the application to monitor network traffic transmitted over these connections.
It is not recommended to use the SSL 2.0 protocol because it has shortcomings that affect secure data transmission.
EV certificates (Extended Validation Certificates) confirm the authenticity of websites and enhance the security of the connection. Browsers use a lock icon in their address bar to indicate that a website has an EV certificate. Browsers may also fully or partially color the address bar in green.