Appendix 2. Web resource content categories

The web resource content categories (hereinafter also referred to as "categories") listed below have been selected to most fully describe the blocks of data hosted by web resources, taking into account their functional and thematic features. The order in which the categories appear in this list does not reflect the relative importance or prevalence of such categories on the Internet. The category names are provisional and used solely for the purposes of Kaspersky applications and websites. The names do not necessarily reflect the meaning implied by law. One web resource can belong to several categories at once.

Adult content

This category generally includes web resources related to the sexual aspect of human relationships, philosophies, sex shops, etc. This includes content in any form or format.

Alcohol, tobacco, drugs

This category generally includes web resources that mention alcohol, drugs, or tobacco of any kind, including advertising, historical, medical and educational resources. This also includes web resources where devices for the use of these substances are described or sold.


This category includes web resources containing any photo-, video- or text materials describing acts of physical or psychological violence directed against people or cruel treatment of animals, which serve as an intended purpose of this content.

Works of art may be exceptions in this category.

Profanity, obscenity

This category includes web resources where profane language has been detected.

This category also includes web resources with linguistic and philological materials containing profanity as the subject of study.

Weapons, explosives, pyrotechnics

This category includes web resources with information about weapons, explosives, and pyrotechnical products.

The term "weapons" means appliances, items, and means designed to harm the life or health of humans and animals and/or damage equipment and structures.

Job search

This category includes web resources designed to bring together employers and job seekers. This specifically includes the following:


This category includes web resources that act as an intermediary in downloading content of other web resources using special web applications for doing the following:

Software, audio, video

This category generally includes web resources that provide the capability to download related files.

Gambling, lotteries, sweepstakes

This category includes web resources offering:

Internet communication

This category generally includes web resources that allow specific users (registered or not) to send personalized messages to other users. There are a number of web resources designed for communication.

Online stores, banks, payment systems

This category generally includes web resources designed for any non-cash online transactions using special-purpose web applications. This also includes web resources that help rent, buy, or sell real estate.

Computer games

This category includes web resources devoted to computer games of various genres. This also includes gaming communities and services.

Religions, religious associations

This category includes web resources with materials on public movements, associations, and organizations with a religious ideology and/or cult in any manifestations.

News media

News portals on any topic, including social news, news aggregators, and rss newsletters.


This category includes web resources with banners. Advertising information on banners may distract users from their activities, while banner downloads increase the amount of traffic.

Regional legal restrictions

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