Special considerations when working with different versions of management plug-ins

You can manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security via Kaspersky Security Center only if you have a Management Plug-in whose version is equal to or later than the version specified in the information regarding the compatibility of Kaspersky Endpoint Security with the Management Plug-in. You can view the minimum required version of the Management Plug-in in the installer.ini file included in the distribution kit.

If any component is opened (such as a policy or task), the Management Plug-in checks its compatibility information. If the version of the Management Plug-in is equal to or later than the version specified in the compatibility information, you can change the settings of this component. Otherwise, you cannot use the Management Plug-in to change the settings of the selected component. It is recommended to upgrade the Management Plug-in.

Upgrading the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Management Plug-in

If the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Management Plug-in is installed in the Administration Console, please consider the following when installing the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows Management Plug-in:

Upgrading the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows Management Plug-in

If the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows Management Plug-in is installed in the Administration Console, please consider the following when installing a new version of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 for Windows Management Plug-in:

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