RESTORE. Restoring files from Quarantine

You can restore a file from Quarantine to its original folder. If the destination folder has been deleted, the application places the file to a special folder on the computer. Then you must manually move the file to the destination folder. The Quarantine is a special local storage on the computer where files that are infected by viruses or non-disinfectable files are moved to. Quarantined files are stored in an encrypted state and do not threaten the security of the device. Kaspersky Endpoint Security uses Quarantine only when working with Kaspersky Sandbox and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response solutions. In other cases Kaspersky Endpoint Security places the relevant file in Backup. For details on managing Quarantine as part of solutions, please refer to the Kaspersky Sandbox Help, Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum Help, and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert Help.

To execute this command, Password protection must be enabled. The user must have the Restore from Backup permission.

The object is quarantined under the system account (SYSTEM).

Command syntax

RESTORE [/REPLACE] <file name> /login=<user name> /password=<password>

Advanced settings



Overwrite an existing file.

<file name>

The name of the file to be restored.



/login=<user name> /password=<password>

User account credentials with the required Password protection permissions.

Example: RESTORE /REPLACE true_file.txt /login=KLAdmin /password=!Password1

Command return values:

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