Managed Detection and Response

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows supports integration with the Managed Detection and Response solution. The Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solution automatically detects and analyzes security incidents in your infrastructure. To do so, MDR uses telemetry data received from endpoints and machine learning. MDR sends incident data to Kaspersky experts. The experts can then process the incident and, for example, add a new entry to Anti-Virus databases. Alternatively, the experts can issue recommendations on processing the incident and, for example, suggest isolating computer from the network. For detailed information about how the solution works, please refer to the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Help.

Configurations of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for integrating with MDR

The following configurations can be used to work with MDR:

Support for previous versions of Kaspersky Endpoint Security

Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11 and later supports the MDR solution. Kaspersky Endpoint Security versions 11 – 11.5.0 only sends telemetry data to Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response to enable threat detection. Kaspersky Endpoint Security version 11.6.0 has all the functionality of the built-in agent (Kaspersky Endpoint Agent).

If you are using Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 – 11.5.0, you must update databases to the latest version to work with the MDR solution. You must also install Kaspersky Endpoint Agent.

If you are using Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.6.0 or higher, you do not need to install Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to use the MDR solution.

If the Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy also applies to computers that do not have Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11 – 11.5.0 installed, you must first create a separate Kaspersky Endpoint Agent policy for those computers. In the new policy, configure integration with Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response.

In this section

Integration of the built-in agent with MDR

KEA to KES Migration Guide for MDR

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