KSN. Switching between KSN / KPSN

Selecting a Kaspersky solution for determining the reputation of files or websites. Kaspersky Endpoint Security supports the following infrastructure solutions for working with Kaspersky reputation databases:

To run the command, go to the folder where the Kaspersky Endpoint Security executable file is located. You can also add the executable file path to the %PATH% system variable and run the command without navigating to the application folder.

Command syntax

avp.com KSN /global | /private <file name>

Kaspersky Security Network configuration file


<file name>

Name of the configuration file containing Kaspersky Private Security Network settings. This file has the PKCS7 or PEM extension.


avp.com KSN /global

avp.com KSN /private C:\ksn_config.pkcs7

See also:

Enabling and disabling the usage of Kaspersky Security Network

Limitations of Kaspersky Private Security Network

Enabling and disabling cloud mode for protection components

Checking the reputation of a file in Kaspersky Security Network

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