Managing encrypted connections scan settings

You can manage the encrypted connections scan settings by using the command line.

To display the list of encrypted connections scan exclusions that were added by a user, execute the following command:

kesl-control -N --query user

To display the list of encrypted connections scan exclusions that were added by Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Linux Nodes, execute the following command:

kesl-control -N --query auto

To display the list of encrypted connections scan exclusions that received from Kaspersky databases, execute the following command:

kesl-control -N --query kl

To clear a list of domains that Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Linux Nodes automatically excluded from a scan, execute the following command:

kesl-control -N --clear-web-auto-excluded

To obtain the encrypted connections scan settings from the storage, execute the following command:

kesl-control [-N] {--get-net-settings} [--file <file path and name>]

The output format is INI.

To save the encrypted connections scan settings to the specified file, execute the following command:

kesl-control [-N] {--set-net-settings} [--file <file path and name>]

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