Configuring the Registry Access Monitor task

To configure the Registry Access Monitor task via the Web Plug-in:

  1. In the main window of the Web Console, select DevicesPolicies & profiles.
  2. Click the policy name you want to configure.
  3. In the <Policy name> window that opens select the Application settings tab.
  4. Select the System Inspection section.
  5. Click Settings in the Registry Access Monitor subsection.
  6. In the Registry Access Monitor window, on the Registry Access Monitor Settings tab, configure the following settings:
    • In the Task mode group, select the required option from the list:
      • Block operations according to the rules
      • Statistics only
    • Select or clear the Apply Trusted Zone check box as applicable.
  7. On the Task management tab, configure the task start schedule.
  8. Click OK to save the changes.

Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes immediately applies the new settings to the running task. Information about the date and time of settings modification are saved in the system audit log.

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