Adding / removing components. Sample commands

The On-Demand Scan component is installed automatically. You do not need to specify it in the list of ADDLOCAL key values by adding or deleting Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes components.

To add the Applications Launch Control component to the components that have already been installed, run the following command:

msiexec /i kics.msi ADDLOCAL=Oas,AppCtrl /qn


\exec\setup.exe /s /p ADDLOCAL=Oas,AppCtrl

If you list the components you want to install along with the already installed components, Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Nodes will reinstall the existing components.

To remove installed components run the following command:

msiexec /i kics.msi ADDLOCAL=AKIntegration,AVProtection,AntiExploit,AppCtrl,Bases,Core,CoreBLFiles,CoreFolders,CoreWPFiles,DevCtrl,Drivers,Drivers.klelam,Fim,Ksn,LogInspector,Oas,Ods,PMenus,PatchExe,RamDisk,Shell,SnmpSupport,TrayApp ADD_ADV=IDS,RegMonitor REMOVE=Firewall,PerfMonCounters EULA=1 PRIVACYPOLICY=1 /qn

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