Rules with defined conditions for tag values

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In a Process Control rule that defines conditions for the values of tags, you need to specify the type of each condition. Each type has a certain number of additional settings that also include tags.

You can specify the types of conditions when performing the following actions:

In the drop-down list of condition types, you can select one of the following options:

To define a tag for a setting, you can select the relevant tag in the drop-down list or drag the tag from the Devices and tags list.

In the drop-down list to the right of the field containing the selected tag, you can select which most recent value of the tag is used in the rule. The following options are provided:

You can define multiple conditions in a Process Control rule. To apply multiple conditions, you can select logical operators (AND / OR) and specify the priorities of conditions by using parentheses in logical expressions. You can add a condition by clicking the Add condition button. To remove an additional condition, use the kics1v4_delete_button button on the left of the condition.

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