Loading traffic for events

When viewing the events table, you can load traffic associated with registered events and/or incidents. Traffic is loaded into a PCAP file (when one event is selected) or into a ZIP archive containing PCAP files (when multiple events or incidents are selected).

The capability to load traffic is available if no more than 200 events are selected in the events table (including events within incidents).

Traffic for events is loaded from the application database. The database saves traffic only when registering events for which traffic saving is enabled. The application can also save traffic in the database directly by requesting to load traffic using traffic dump files. These files are intended for temporarily saving traffic and are automatically deleted as more and more traffic is received from the industrial network (the frequency of file deletion depends on the amount of traffic received). To ensure that traffic is loaded, it is recommended to enable the saving of traffic for the relevant event types and configure the settings for saving traffic in the database in accordance with the rate of traffic and registration of events.

To load a traffic file for events and/or incidents:

  1. Select the Events section.
  2. In the events table, select the events and/or incidents whose traffic you want to load.

    The details area appears in the right part of the web interface window.

  3. Depending on the number of selected elements, click the Load traffic for the event or Load traffic for the selected events button.
  4. If it takes a long time (more than 15 seconds) to create the file, the file creation operation is transferred to the list of background operations. In this case, to download the file:
    1. Click the button button in the menu of the application web interface.

      The list of background operations appears.

    2. Wait for the file creation operation to finish.
    3. Click the Download file button.

    This opens the standard web browser window for saving a file.

  5. In the opened window, specify the name of the file and folder in which you want to save the file.
  6. Save the file.
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