File with descriptions of Sampled Values protocol messages: iec61850_sv_messages.csv

The file with descriptions of Sampled Values protocol messages contains the parameters for messages of the IEC 61850: Sampled Values protocol.

The file should begin with header strings containing the data needed for file processing. An example of header strings of the iec61850_sv_messages.csv file is provided below.



'Format Version V1.0.0.0;KICS Importer Version V1.0.0.0

'Field separator: ; Decimal separator: . Text quotes: " Var name separator: .


The first three header strings are identical to the header strings in the devices.csv file.

The string Connection;SVControlBlockName;SampledValuesId;ConfRev;DataSetName;IsMulticast;OptionalFields contains the names of columns containing data:

The header strings are followed by the file body containing the parameter values (connection ID, control block name, message ID, configuration revision, name of the data set for the message, type of transmission, and additional fields). An example of the iec61850_sv_messages.csv file is provided below.



'Format Version V1.0.0.0;KICS Importer Version V1.0.0.0

'Field separator: ; Decimal separator: . Text quotes: " Var name separator: .



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