Viewing events associated with assets

You can view events associated with assets. Events are loaded by automatically applying a filter based on the IDs of assets using the values of the MAC- and IP addresses specified for the assets.

In the events table, the application shows events whose Source or Destination columns contain the MAC- or IP addresses of selected assets.

Events can be loaded if no more than 200 assets are selected.

To view events associated with assets:

  1. Select the Assets section.
  2. In the assets table, select the assets for which you want to view events.

    The details area appears in the right part of the web interface window.

  3. Depending on which events you want to load, click one of the following buttons (the buttons are unavailable if more than 200 assets are selected):
    • Show events – if you want to view events with any status.
    • Show unprocessed events – if you want to view events with the New or In progress status.

The Events section opens. The events table will apply a filter based on the IDs of assets. The list of asset IDs defined for event filtering is displayed in the Asset IDs field in the toolbar. If you loaded events by using the Show unprocessed events button, events will also be filtered by the Status column.

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