Automatic arrangement of nodes and groups

For optimal arrangement of objects on the network map, you can use algorithms to automatically change the location (arrangement) of nodes and groups. The following algorithms are provided:

You can automatically arrange the following objects:

After automatic arrangement, nodes and groups are locked (pinned) in their new location. The Pin button icon appears in these objects. If necessary, you can unpin these objects.

To automatically arrange all displayed nodes and groups that are located at the top level of the hierarchy in the group tree:

  1. In the toolbar located in the left part of the network map display area, click one of the following buttons (the buttons are available if there are nodes or groups displayed on the network map):
    • If you want to radially arrange the objects, click the Arrange all button button.
    • If you want to align the objects according to the grid, click the Align all to grid button button.

    A window with a confirmation prompt opens.

  2. In the prompt window, confirm the change in location of the objects.

To automatically arrange only the displayed nodes and groups within an expanded group:

  1. Expand the relevant group on the network map.
  2. In the title of the expanded group's window, click one of the following buttons (the buttons are available if there are displayed nodes or groups within the group):
    • If you want to radially arrange the objects, click the Arrange all button button.
    • If you want to align the objects according to the grid, click the Align all to grid button button.

    A window with a confirmation prompt opens.

  3. In the prompt window, confirm the change in location of the objects.

To automatically arrange only the selected nodes and collapsed groups on the network map:

  1. On the network map, select multiple nodes and/or collapsed groups by performing one of the following actions:
    • Hold down the SHIFT key and use your mouse to select a rectangular area containing the relevant objects.
    • Hold down the CTRL key and use your mouse to select the relevant objects.
  2. In the toolbar located in the left part of the network map display area, click one of the following buttons (the buttons are available if at least three objects with common links are selected):
    • If you want to radially arrange the objects, click the Arrange selected button button.
    • If you want to align the objects according to the grid, click the Align selected to grid button button.

    A window with a confirmation prompt opens.

  3. In the prompt window, confirm the change in location of the objects.
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