Filtering nodes on the network map

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By default, the network map displays all nodes that have communicated during the defined time period. To limit the number of nodes displayed on the network map, you can use the following functions:

After applying a filter, the network map displays only those nodes that satisfy the defined filter settings. In addition, for a node to be displayed on the network map, it must have a connection (link) with another displayed node. If the defined filter settings cause the network map to not display all nodes with which a node has interacted, this node is also not displayed on the network map. Filtering is applied similarly for nodes that are part of a consolidated node of unknown devices: if the network map does not display all nodes with which a node of an unknown device has interacted, this node is removed from the list of nodes within the consolidated node of unknown devices.

If necessary, you can enable the network map to display all nodes associated with filtered nodes. Together with nodes that satisfy the defined node filter settings, the network map will also display all nodes with which interactions have occurred (irrespective of the defined filter settings).

For example, if node filtering by PLC category is enabled and you have enabled the display of linked nodes, the network map will display all nodes with which PLC category assets have communicated. If the display of linked nodes is disabled, the network map will display nodes of only those PLC category assets that have communicated with each other.

To enable or disable the display of nodes associated with filtered nodes:

Use the Linked assets toggle switch in the toolbar located above the network map.

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