Manually adding Process Control settings for a device

You can manually add Process Control settings for a device when working with the devices table, the network interactions map, or the topology map. Process Control settings that were added for a device are considered to be custom settings. User-defined settings are not changed when Process Control settings are automatically detected for devices.

Only users with the Administrator role can add Process Control settings.

To add Process Control settings for a device:

  1. Connect to the Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks Server through the web interface using the Administrator account.
  2. Select the relevant asset in the Assets section on the Devices tab or in the Network map section.

    In the Network map section, you can select the relevant device on both the network interactions map and the topology map.

    The details area appears in the right part of the web interface window.

  3. Click the Edit button.

    The details area will show the following tabs for viewing and editing device information: Addresses, Settings and Custom fields.

  4. On the Addresses tab in the details area, click the Add Process Control settings button (the button is displayed if Process Control settings have not been defined).

    The Add Process Control settings window appears.

  5. Configure the Process Control settings:
    1. Select the device type.
    2. Select the protocol used for interaction with the device within the industrial process.
    3. If necessary, edit the settings for monitoring system commands over the selected protocol. By default, the application monitors all system commands except those that are frequently encountered during normal operation of the device.
    4. If you need to configure other settings for the selected protocol (such as address information for interaction with the device), specify the relevant values in the fields that appear.
    5. If you want to additionally specify a different protocol (that is supported for the selected device type) or a different combination of parameters for a previously selected protocol (when using multiple connected modules within one device), add the parameters for this protocol by clicking the Add protocol link.
  6. Click Save.

    This button is unavailable if not all required values are specified or if there are invalid values in the settings.

A separate block containing the defined settings appears in the details area in the lower part of the Addresses tab.

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