Converting a security policy from a previous version of the application

To convert and upload the security policy that was used in the previous version of Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks, you can upgrade the previous version of the application.

If you want to import a file containing a saved security policy from a previous version of the application into the current version of the application, you need to convert this file by using the policy conversation script. This script is located on the Server computer in the /opt/kaspersky/kics4net/sbin/ folder.

The script is designed for converting security policies exported to Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks version 3.1.

To convert a file containing a security policy that was created in the previous version of the application:

  1. Open the operating system console on the Server computer and go to the /opt/kaspersky/kics4net/sbin/ folder.
  2. Enter the following command in the command line:

    python3 ./ -i <path to the file of the original policy> -o <path to the file of the converted policy>


    python3 ./ -i /home/user1/policy_2021-09-01_12-00 -o /home/user1/policy_for_4_0

The obtained file can be imported into the current version of the application.

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