Deleting a connector

When a manageable connector is deleted, its application modules are automatically stopped and deleted from the connector deployment node.

Prior to deleting an unmanageable connector (or a connector that is configured to ignore the functions of a manageable connector), you first need to stop it and delete its application modules. Application modules of an unmanageable connector must be stopped and deleted manually on the connector deployment node.

To delete a connector:

  1. Connect to the Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks Server through the web interface using the Administrator account.
  2. Select Settings → Connectors.
  3. On the Connectors tab, select the connector that you want to delete.

    The details area appears in the right part of the web interface window.

  4. Click the Remove button.

    A window with a confirmation prompt opens.

  5. In the prompt window, confirm removal of the selected connector.
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