Automatically assigning the statuses of devices

When monitoring the activity of devices in the industrial network, the application can automatically assign statuses to detected devices based on the obtained MAC- and/or IP addresses of devices. Statuses are assigned depending on the current asset management mode.

In learning mode, the application assigns the Authorized status to all detected devices (this includes new devices as well as devices that were previously added to the devices table). The status of a detected device is not changed if the Unauthorized status was previously assigned to the device.

In monitoring mode, the assigned status depends on whether the device that showed activity is known or unknown to the application. In this mode, statuses are assigned according to the following rules:

By default, if a device with the Authorized status has not shown any activity in over 30 days and the device information has not changed during this time, the Archived status is assigned to this device. You can disable automatic device status change to Archived when manually changing the status of a device (for example, to prevent the Authorized status from automatically changing to the Archived status for rarely connected devices).

When devices with the Unauthorized status appear in the devices table, you need to determine whether all of these devices are required for industrial process support. After making this determination, it is recommended to manually assign one of the following statuses to each device:

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