Process Control rules learning mode

In Process Control rules learning mode, the application automatically generates Process Control rules with conditions for the values of tags. To generate rules, the application analyzes traffic to monitor the values of only those tags that have been added to the tags table.

Process Control rules that were automatically added in learning mode are called system rules. For these rules, the Origin parameter contains the System value. When system rules are automatically created, the default value of 6.0 is assigned to the Event score parameter.

Rules that were manually created are called User rules. For these rules, the Origin parameter contains the User value. If a system rule is manually changed, this rule also becomes a user rule.

Rules that are added in learning mode are in the Disabled state by default. If a system rule is updated in learning mode, it remains in the same state it was in before the update.

When adding or updating Process Control rules in learning mode, the application defines one of the following conditions for each of them:

In learning mode, the application also deletes system Process Control rules in the following cases:

Process Control rules learning mode must be enabled for a sufficient amount of time to detect all possible values of relevant tags. This amount of time depends on how frequently tags are circulated in traffic, how often devices are running in the industrial network, and other specifics of the industrial process. We recommend that you enable learning mode for at least one hour. In large industrial networks, learning mode can be enabled for a period ranging from one to several days to accumulate the maximum amount of data.

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