Performing update polling based on the results of active polling

When active polling of devices is complete, the application analyzes the obtained results and the current (previously saved) device information. If the active polling results suggest the possibility of receiving additional information by running a new active poll, the application will prompt you to run an update poll. Update polls are conducted separately for each device that returned results during the first active poll.

To configure and run an update poll:

  1. Open the window containing the results of the completed active polling of devices.

    If an update poll is possible for a device, information about this capability is displayed in the Update polling can be run with other methods block.

  2. Start the Active Polling Configuration Wizard by clicking the link containing the name of the method for receiving relevant device information.

    The Active Polling Configuration Wizard window opens. The Wizard window will display the Select polling methods section with the selected check box for the chosen active polling method.

  3. If necessary, configure other settings in the Wizard sections and start active polling.
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