Network settings
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In the Cost-Aware Networking section, you can specify whether or not the application must limit traffic based on calculations of Internet connection costs. This section is displayed when using Microsoft Windows 8 or a later operating system.
Limit traffic on metered connections
If this check box is selected, the application limits its own network traffic when the Internet connection is limited. Kaspersky Internet Security identifies a high-speed mobile Internet connection as a limited connection and identifies a Wi-Fi connection as an unlimited connection.
This check box is displayed when using Microsoft Windows 8 or a later operating system.
In the Traffic processing section, you can specify whether or not the application should inject a web page interaction script into traffic.
Inject script into web traffic to interact with web pages
If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Internet Security injects a web page interaction script into web traffic. This script ensures the operation of such components as Safe Money, Private Browsing, Parental Control, Anti-Banner, URL Advisor, and Secure Data Input.
In the Monitored ports section, you can choose the port monitoring mode that is used by Mail Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam, and Web Anti-Virus to scan data streams.
Monitor all network ports
In this port monitoring mode, Mail Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam, and Web Anti-Virus monitor all open ports of your computer.
Monitor selected ports only
In this port monitoring mode, Mail Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam, and Web Anti-Virus monitor the selected ports of your computer.
A list of ports that are normally used for transmitting email and web traffic is included in the application distribution kit.
Clicking this link opens the Network ports window. In this window, you can create a list of ports to be monitored or a list of applications for which Kaspersky Internet Security monitors all ports.
In the Encrypted connections scanning section, you can enable / disable scanning for encrypted connections that use the SSL protocol.
Clicking this link opens a window containing a list of websites. Encrypted connections scans are not performed for these websites.
Do not scan encrypted connections
If this option is selected, Kaspersky Internet Security does not scan SSL traffic.
Scan encrypted connections upon request from protection components
Kaspersky Internet Security uses the installed Kaspersky certificate to verify the security of SSL connections if this is required by the following protection components:
- Mail Anti-Virus
- Anti-Spam
- Web Anti-Virus
- Anti-Banner
- Parental Control
- URL Advisor
- Private Browsing
- Safe Money
If these components are disabled, Kaspersky Internet Security does not verify the security of SSL connections.
After Kaspersky Internet Security verifies an SSL connection, the certificates of websites may not display the name of the organization under which the website is registered.
If you do not want the application to verify the SSL connection with a website, you can exclude the website from verification.
Always scan encrypted connections
If this option is selected, Kaspersky Internet Security always uses the installed Kaspersky certificate to ensure that connections are secure.
Use of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for connections allows safely exchanging data on the Internet. The SSL protocol makes it possible to identify the parties exchanging data using electronic certificates, encrypt data during transfer, and ensure the integrity of data during transfer.
If Kaspersky Internet Security detects an invalid certificate when connecting to a server (for example, when the certificate has been replaced by someone with malicious intentions), Kaspersky Internet Security displays a notification prompting you to accept or reject the certificate, or else to view information about the certificate. If Kaspersky Internet Security is operating in automatic protection mode, Kaspersky Internet Security automatically terminates any connection that uses an invalid certificate, without displaying any notification.
On errors during encrypted connections scan:
In the drop-down list, you can select the action that the application will perform if a secure connections scan error occurs on a website.
- Ignore. The application terminates the connection with the website on which the scan error occurred.
- Ask. The application shows you a notification with a prompt to add a website address to the list of websites on which scan errors occurred. The website address will be checked against the database of malicious objects.
- Add website to exclusions. The application adds the website address to the list of websites on which scan errors occurred. The website address will be checked against the database of malicious objects.
Websites with scan errors
You can click this link to go to the Websites with scan errors window. In this window, you can view the websites that could not be scanned due to errors when connecting to them. The addresses of the websites were checked against the database of malicious objects.
Manage exclusions
Clicking this link opens the Exclusions window. In this window, you can generate a list of websites that will not be scanned by the following protection components:
- Web Anti-Virus
- Anti-Banner
- Parental Control
- URL Advisor
- Private Browsing
- Safe Money
Additional Settings
Clicking this link opens a window in which you can modify additional settings for secure connections.
In the Proxy server section, you can configure the connection to a proxy server that you use to access the Internet.
The application defines the default proxy server settings during the installation process.
Proxy server settings
Clicking the link opens the Proxy Server settings window. In this window, you can configure the connection of the application to a proxy server.
In the Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird section, you can select a certificate store for Mozilla applications.
Scan secure traffic in Mozilla applications
If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Internet Security scans encrypted traffic in Mozilla applications. Access to some websites via the HTTPS protocol may be blocked.
Use Windows certificate store (recommended)
Select this option if you want to store the local trusted certificate of Kaspersky Internet Security in the Windows certificate store.
Use Mozilla certificate store
Select this option if you want to store the local trusted certificate of Kaspersky Internet Security in the Mozilla certificate store.
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